Understanding stakeholder behaviour and socio-economic implications of practices and policies of animal health
Invited speakers of ISESSAH 2023 :
Jens Rommel, Associate Professor at Decision-making and Managerial Behavior research group, Department of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden
Beth Clark, Lecturer in Food Marketing at School of Natural and Environmental Sciences, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
Arnaud Rault, Researcher focussing on animal health economics at Oniris, BIOEPAR (Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis of Animal Health unit), National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France
Taina Aaltonen, Deputy Director General at Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland, Chief Veterinary officer of Finland and delegate of Finland to the World Organisation for Animal Health
Ina Toppari, Executive manager at Animal Health ETT r.a., Finland.
Local organising and scientific committee :
Jarkko Niemi, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Henk Hogeveen, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Erwin Wauters, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Belgium
Wilma Steeneveld, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Katja Schulz, Friedrich Loeffler Institute, Germany
Jada Thompson, University of Arkansas, USA
Timo Sipiläinen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Minna Väre, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
Anna Stygar, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
CONFERENCE 2022 – Halifax, CanaDA
7-12th August 2022
Organised within the 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
Isessah Special SessionOpening the Social Sciences umbrella to tackle AMR: lessons from human and animal health
Chairsed by Herman Barkema & Guillaume Lhermie
CONFERENCE 2021 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
17-18th November 2021
Keynote presentations
The programme included keynote presentations from leading thinkers in economics and social sciences, namely:
Prof. Datuk Dr. Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Department of Agribusiness and Bioresource Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Henk Hogeveen, Business Economics group Wageningen University & Research
Dr Erika Chenais National Veterinary Institute, Uppsala, Sweden
Local organisation committee — From Universiti Putra Malaysia
Dr. Norhariani Mohd Nor
Dr. Mark Buda
Dr. Siti Mariam Zainal Ariffin
Dr. Ummi Noorhakimah Abdullah
Scientific committee
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nitty Hirawaty Kamarulzaman
Dr. Siti Zubaidah Ramanoon
Prof. Dr. Ir. Henk Hogeveen (WUR)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ina Salwany Md Yasin
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norsida Man
Dr. Ir. Etih Sudarnika (IPB)
Dr. Ir. Wilma Steeneveld (UU)
Dr. Dikky Indrawan (IPB)
Dr. Rozaihan Mansor
Dr. Sharifah Salmah Syed Hussain
11-13th November 2020
Keynote presentations
The programme included keynote presentations from leading thinkers in economics and social sciences, namely:
Dr Barbara Haesler, Senior Lecturer in Agrihealth, Veterinary Epidemiology, Economics and Public Health, The Royal Veterinary College, London, UK (joint session ICAHS-ISESSAH)
Dr Amy Hagerman, Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, USA
Dr Luiza Toma, Senior Economist, Policy, Innovation and Behavioural Change, Scotland’s Rural College, Edinburgh, UK
Local organisation committee
From University of Copenhagen (UCPH):
Liza Rosenbaum Nielsen (IVH-UCPH, leader of the local organisation committee)
Hans Houe (IVH-UCPH)
Tariq Halasa (IVH-UCPH)
Tove Christensen (IFRO-UCPH)
Sigrid Denver (IFRO-UCPH)
Scientific committee
Bouda Vosough Ahmadi (lead) FAO
Tove Christensen (deputy lead) University of Copenhagen
Kamina Jonhson (deputy lead) USDA
Sigrid Denver (member) University of Copenhagen
Erwin Wauters (member) ILVO
Jarkko Niemi (member) Luke
Wilma Steenveld (member) Utrecht University
Jaap Sok (member) Wageningen University and Research
Pablo Alarcon (member) Royal Veterinary College
Mette Vaarst (member) Aarhus University
CONFERENCE 2019 – IPB University, Indonesia
17-18 October 2019
Keynote presentations
With approximately 120 participants, mainly from South East Asia, the conference was very successful. Proceedings of the conference will become on-line soon. For more details please see the conference website. The proceedings of the first ISESSAH South East Asia meeting can be found here.
Youtube video
For an impression, please see this youtube video that the local organizing committee created
CONFERENCE 2019 – Atlanta, USA
20th and 23th July 2019
Keynote presentations
The conference welcomed 60 participants, 12 oral presentations, 20 flash talk presentations, many posters and 3 keynote speakers :
Carl Johan Lagerkvist, Department Head and Professor of Economics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences : economic values and farmer behavioral change: Inertia, path dependence and choices for farm animal health
Mark Caudell, Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United nations, Kenya : in the absence of developed infrastructure, transmission factors best predict carriage of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in people and their animals
Megin Nichols, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA : Spillover; Uncovering animal disease outbreaks through human enteric disease surveillance
Glynn Tonsor, Professor Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University : a deeper look at biosecurity economics
We would again like to thank all the participants and our sponsors for ISESSAH 2019.
CONFERENCE 2018 – Montpellier, France
14 and 15 May 2018
Keynote presentations
The ISESSAH 2018 provided a forum to meet colleagues and leading thinkers in the field to enhance the use of economics in animal health education, research and policy making internationally. ISESSAH 2018 was co-organised by the French Institute for Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD), Toulouse National Veterinary School (ENVT) and National Institute for Agriculture Research (INRA) on behalf of the ISESSAH. The combination of ISESSAH 2018 and INNOVSUR forum provided a specific opportunity for greater North-South interactions and emphasize on environmental and agricultural health economic issues.
Scientific committee
The conference welcomed 140 participants, 15 oral presentations, 25 flash talk presentations, many posters and 4 keynote speakers :
Erik Gómez-Baggethun, Professor in Environmental Governance, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU, Norway);
Michael Dicks, Professor in Animal Health Economics, American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA, USA) ;
Nicolas Fortané, Lecturer in Sociology applied to Animal Health (INRA, France) ;
Rob Christley, Professor in Epidemiology and Population Health (University of Liverpool, UK)
ERIAH Workshop ‘From economic assessment to policy making’
On Tuesday May 15 in the afternoon directly after the ISESSAH 2018 conference, the Economic Reasoning for Improved Animal Health (ERIAH) is organizing a workshop. ERIAH is a research network funded by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) since 2016. It aims at promoting economics applied to animal health within health specialists (e.g. biologists, epidemiologists…) and economists, by facilitating common language and improving mutual understanding. The final goal is to foster a transdisciplinary research approach. It involves scientists, professionals, industrials, syndical organisations and policy makers.
This ERIAH workshop will focus on how to translate economic assessments outputs into practical decision-making. The workshop will be organised as one main keynote and small working groups.
For more details please see the conference website.
ISESSAH has hold its inaugural meeting in collaboration with the annual meeting of the Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM).
The aim of the meeting was to provide a forum to meet colleagues and leading thinkers in the field of economics in animal health education, research and policy making internationally.
The ISESSAH first meeting gathered over 200 participants with delegates from countries all over the word. All got the change to present the work in either a oral presentation, flash talk, or poster presentations. The broad theme of the presentation were:
Where do we come from – what has been critical progress in the use of economics and social sciences of animal health in past years?
Where do we stand now – how are economics and social sciences currently being used for animal health decision-making?
Where should we go – what will be the future challenges for economics and social sciences to improve animal health?
Scientific committee
These themes were introduced by leading thinkers in economics and social sciences, namely:
Dr Karin Schwabenbauer, Chief Veterinary Officer, Germany
Prof. Tim Carpenter, Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Massey University, New Zealand
Dr Gareth Enticott, Senior Lecturer in Social Research, Cardiff University, United Kingdom